Monday, August 30, 2010

8-30-10 Muddiest Point Questions

Considering the fallibility of technology, what can libraries do to ensure content access and services during a system crash?  Books don't disappear or self-destruct.  They are still accessible when the power goes out.  But computers can fail.  It seems that an overdependence on technology leaves content vulnerable, especially for public libraries that lack the funding for adequate IT support. 

This raises two questions:
1. What is the IT field doing to address this problem?
2.  Is it reasonable to expect libraries to continue to supply print materials (which have functioned well for hundreds of years) in addition to online content access?


  1. Well... I would like to argue that books DO disappear... and frequently. Patrons steal them, they get mis-shelved, the roof which your institution refuses to wholly repair leaks during a bad rain storm and damages a whole stack of books. It happens a lot. System crashes are usually easier and quicker to fix than a stolen book or a mis-shelved one, so I'm not sure I agree that books are infallible. However, to answer your second question, I think it would depend upon the institution- some libraries should 100% continue supplying print materials with online content, but for others, it makes complete sense to move more solely to online content. It would depend upon the mission of the library and the needs of the patrons

  2. Good point. At the library where I worked this summer, DVDs and books disappeared all the time due to theft. And, of course, books get damaged beyond repair sometimes. But another problem was that due to lack of funding at the library, the computers froze or crashed often! This disrupted a huge number of services. So I guess to me, it makes sense to provide a variety of formats with different access points that allow maximum useability. (Maybe I am just being old-fashioned.)

    That said, I love online access. It makes things so easy. Like anyone, I'm attracted to the path of least resistance!

  3. Kel,

    Absolutely, libraries should continue to offer print (and image, and DVD...) sources whenever appropriate. The most immediate solution that comes to mind for protecting digital data is backing up content frequently--or in the case of third-party content providers, choosing a provider that backs up frequently.
