Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reading Notes, October 26, 2010

W3schools HTML Tutorial:
HTML is a markup language used in the creation of webpages.  It's necessary to be careful to get all of the text right so that the page displays properly.  Learning HTML appears like learning another language with its own rules.   

HTML Cheatsheet:
Yay, I love cheatsheets.  This page is very helpful.  I like how this page lays out different categories of tags. 

W3 School Cascading Style Sheet Tutorial:
I like their very clear definition of CSS, which is this:

"When tags like <font>, and color attributes were added to the HTML 3.2 specification, it started a nightmare for web developers. Development of large web sites, where fonts and color information were added to every single page, became a long and expensive process.
To solve this problem, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created CSS.
In HTML 4.0, all formatting could be removed from the HTML document, and stored in a separate CSS file."

I found this definition very helpful.  We've talked about CSS in other classes, but I didn't quite get the concept until reading this definition.  I'm not sure my brain is structured right to learn all the details about how to write HTML, but I feel like I'm at least getting the idea of how it works. 


  1. Hey there!
    I was also very happy when I saw that we had a cheatsheet for HTML. I'm totally clueless when it comes to HTML, so this will definitely help! Have you had any experience using HTML? Maybe we help each other!!

  2. Don't feel bad about HTML feeling like another language. Most programming languages seem awkward and alien at first, but they are just that: languages. As soon as you find out how the grammar works, it becomes almost second nature.

    I ran into that block while studying C++, Japanese, and attempting to learn the basics of HTML.

    If you are working with HTML, keep at it and have the cheatsheet handy. Just approach it like another language, and lines of code as sentences with their own grammatical structure and it will come in time.

    Good luck!


  3. I can understand the confusion if you are just learning HTML and CSS is thrown into the mix. It is better, I feel, to start with HTML rather than CSS. I've been playing with HTML since I was in middle school, and so I've learned how to play around with it. I do like the cheat sheet that we were assigned to look at too. I feel that it is very useful for people who already have a knowledge of what HTML is, but I'm not sure if I would throw a complete "newbie" to the webpage. Some other good sites to try out are http://www.starlightmks.com/ , this was my first exposure to HTML, and http://htmlgoodies.earthweb.com/ . Also, checkout some Myspace background websites, those are good to find out how to change the HTML.

  4. Yes, cheatsheets make me happy! Also, thanks for the links.
